

□associate A with B(AをBと結びつけて考える)
□blanket A with B(AをBで覆う)
□charge A with B(AをBで責める)
□combine A with B(AをBと組み合わせる)
□compare A with B(AをBと比較する)
□confuse A with B(AをBと混同する)
□connect A with B(AをBと結びつける)
□equate A with B(AをBと等しいとみなす)
□identify A with B(AをBと同一視する)
□mix A with B(AをBと混同する)
□share A with B(Aを Bと共有する)
2-1.associate A with B
associate A with Bで「AをBと結びつけて考える」って意味です。
We associate lung cancer with smoking.
2-2.blanket A with B
blanket A with Bで「AをBで覆う」って意味です。
She decided to blanket the room with cozy quilts.
2-3.charge A with B
charge A with Bで「AをBで責める」って意味です。
They charged him with stealing.
2-4.combine A with B
combine A with Bで「AをBと組み合わせる」って意味です。
I combined the eggs with milk and flour.
2-5.compare A with B
compare A with Bで「AをBと比較する」です。
Don’t compare me with my brother.
2-6.confuse A with B
confuse A with Bで「AをBと混同する」って意味です。
I confused him with his brother.
2-7.connect A with B
connect A with Bで「AをBと結びつける」って意味です。
The internet connects you with people all over the world.
2-8.equate A with B
equate A with Bは「AをBと等しいとみなす」って意味です。
we cannot equate happiness with wealth.
2-9.identify A with B
identify A with Bは「AをBと同一視する」って意味です。
Don’t identify a failure with a resignation.
2-10.mix A with B
mix A with Bで「AをBと混同する」って意味です。
He mixed red ink with blue ink.
share A with Bは「Aを Bと共有する」って意味です。
He shares a car with his friends.

□endow A with B(AにBを授ける)
□equip A with B(AにBを備え付ける)
□feed A with B(AにB(食物)を与える)
□furnish A with B(AにBを備え付ける)
□present A with B(AにBを贈る)
□provide A with B(AにBを供給する)
□serve A with B(AにBを提供する)
□supply A with B(AにBを供給する)
□trust A with B(AにBを委託する)
□entrust A with B(AにBを委託する)
□endow A with B
endow A with Bは「AにBを授ける」って意味です。
He is endowed with musical talent.
□equip A with B
equip A with Bは「AにBを備え付ける」って意味です。
The hotel equips all the guest rooms with computers.
□feed A with B
feed A with Bは「A に B(食物)を与える」って意味です。
Farmers feed cows with grass.
□furnish A with B
furnish A with Bは「AにBを備え付ける」って意味です。
I furnished my house with new furniture.
□present A with B
present A with Bは「AにBを贈る」って意味です。
He presented her with a car.
□provide A with B
provide A with Bは「AにBを供給する」って意味です。
We provided them with water.
□serve A with B
serve A with Bは「AにBを提供する」って意味です。
We serve the town with many meals.
□supply A with B
supply A with Bは「AにBを供給する」って意味です。
The river supplies the city with water.
□trust A with B
trust A with Bは「AにBを委託する」って意味です。
We trust our teachers with the safety of our children.
【4】☆ まとめ ☆